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Josette Oder is the founder of JODER CommunicationsJosette Oder is the founder of JODER Communications, a full-service marketing communications, advertising, and public relations agency. A 20+-year strategic marketing veteran and Army “brat”, Josette provides fractional CMO/head of marketing and agency support, develops marketing communications and public relations strategies, and implements campaigns for clients across niche markets that include technology, government, hospitality, nonprofit, and professional services. Her familiarity with government contracting and project management and her adeptness in all communications disciplines provide measurable value to her clients.

Through JODER, Josette has successfully launched branding, marketing, and PR campaigns for Anchore, Bluescape, Booz Allen Hamilton, Connect Our Kids, DTS,
GitLab, Host Hotels & Resorts, Harness, Jetpack, Leidos, Microsoft Azure, Modzy, Puppet, WordPress VIP, and more.
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